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Active Clubs

These clubs are active and using the "No Touch" Orienteering app.

"No Touch" Orienteering outdoor club, NTO

Club Contact:  Bob Bruns
Club Telephone:  916-801-7640
Club email:
Club website:
This club offers courses in suburban parks and recreation areas. Most maps are of local parks and are easy to complete. Costs are minimal. All the course have paths and there are lots of birds and animals to see most days.
SmartPhone Orienteering Club, SPOC

Club Contact:  Bob Bruns
Club Telephone:  279-465-9238
Club email:
Club website:
This club offers courses in suburban parks and recreation areas. Most maps are of local parks and are easy to complete. Costs are minimal. Most courses are completely free, and use a discount code of "free." All the course have paths and there are lots of birds and animals to see most days.




Benefits of joining

Joining as a club gives you the ability to collect revenue from your courses. Users can use their cell pone to pay through PayPal directly, and the money is deposited instantly in your PayPal account. If you choose, anyone can be added to your Mailchimp account, so email marketing is automatic. It is super easy to add your organization. Please provide the following information directly to the web host, by email: or by calling Bob Bruns' cell phone directly: (916)-508-6955.

Checklist for starting a club:

Items that cannot be changed:

  1. A short name , such as “SPOC” for “SmartPhone Orienteering Club.” This short name cannot be changed, but the "long" name can be. Both will appear on various documents.


Items that can be changed (for new courses only):

  1. A long name for your club such as ““SmartPhone Orienteering Club” this name will appear on your waivers.
  2. Should the information show on the “No Touch” Orienteering website? Yes or No. If you choose no, the information will not appear but the club will still be active and you can make and distribute courses.
  3. A Public blurb. Write something about your club so that users what kind of courses you offer, average cost, time to complete, or any other items you think users might find helpful when considering your club.
  4. Contacts:
  5. A contact name: person who will take telephone calls
  6. A contact email address: for questions or complaints
  7. A contact telephone number
  8. Other:
  9. Timezone
  10. Payment email address. Paypal will send you an email if you don't have an account
  11. mailchmp api key:
  12. mailchimp server prefix. Mailchimp will tell you what server your list is on
  13. Mailchimp audience id